Friday, November 30, 2007
*Happy 18th Bday Lacey!*
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
*Thanksgiving Weekend
*I know this is kinda late, but I'm just getting back into normal life after a swarm of projects this weekend! So Thanksgiving was spent this year @ my parents house. It's surprisingly only our 3rd year of having it in Gilbert with my family since Tim & I have shared
10 Thanksgivings together! It was bitter-sweet as we missed Danny, Stephanie, Marcus & Ethan, but we enjoyed time with those of us who were there. -Us, Mom & Dad, Tommy, Sara, Phylip, Brittany & her boyfriend Josh. Last year was our 1st Thanksgiving all together with my family, believe it or not in many years! We carried on the tradition of "shooting rockets & softball" @ the park after the turkey.
*Hope you had a great birthday Alena & Alison! Love ya!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
*Happy 20th B-day "Elder Curtis"*
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
*Happy 8 1/2 years!*
*Top photo-Pregnant with Dude in Chicago (2005) *Lower photo-A goofy picture of us right after we were first married. All dirty having just had just rode quads and motorcycles through the woods. (1999)
~Some reasons why I love & married Tim:
1) He makes me laugh more than anybody:>
2) He is such a great Dad-he is so good to our kids
3) He almost always does the dinner dishes (I'm the last one eating slowly at the table)
4) He takes me on vacations around the world..(except this year.. "hmpf!")
5) He knows when I'm being a silly-head & calls me on it but then lets it go (most of the time)
6) He really has a BIG heart inside his tough exterior
7) He enjoys taking me out to dinner & movie
8) He patiently tries to explain football to me -hoping I'll start liking to watch it with him (-a long shot!)
9) He takes care of paying all the bills -(working for 'em & sending 'em in)
10) He loves me for me...oh yeah & we make cute kids:)
Monday, November 19, 2007
* ...And the doctor said:
**That's what this mama said when 2 crying kids came to me, one with a black eye & one with a bump on the head. Hard to have that much sympathy for 2 monkeys breaking the rules!
-Spencer & Kaylea were in fact jumping on the bed. They both insisted they didn't know about this rule. Oh brother!*This is a picture of the black eye ONE WEEK after it happened just to give you an idea of how bad it was. (My camera battery charger was lost or the pic would've been taken sooner of course.)
*This picture was taken last night after a run in with the corner of the fireplace. Spence got tripped (when rough housing w/ cousins) & his head split open. You can see the blood on the neck of his shirt & the small gash on his head. We didn't know it was small when it happened based on the amount of blood!! Ooh scary! My brave Spence.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
*Happy 11th Bday cousin Natalie*
~Sweet sweet Natalie. I remember before she was a part of our family as a little baby her mom Heidi carrying baby Natalie on her hip, with her bright brown eyes & cute black hair sticking up. Natalie's smile is contagious. She has always had such a tender heart and sensitive sweet spirit.*Happy Birthday* ~We love you Natalie:)~
Thursday, November 15, 2007
*The Journaling 8's*
*8 things I'm passionate about:
8. blogging as of late:-}
7. my testimony of the Gospel
6. anything chocolate
5. antiques ( home decor, etc...)
4. my Family & geneology
3. PICTURES! , taking 'em, looking at 'em, messing with 'em, hanging 'em
2. My awesome kids.
1. My sexy husband
8. Travel the world with hubby
7. swim again with dolphins (this time w/ tim)
5. Raise happy, healthy, amazing kids
4. ...have more kids & be a Grandma
2. talk with the prophet
8. What the heck?
7. Freakin' A!
6. Who's your favorite Mom?
5. Oh..Spencearama!
2. Tim-Bob!
1. boom shacalaca
(Uh I'm gonna cheat cuz uh... books what are those-?
8. Mary, Martha & Me
6. Letters To Emily
5. Friend magazine to my kids
4. Nick Jr. mag
3. TONS of kids books to Kay & Dude "If U give a mouse a cookie" etc.
2. People magazine -lame i know
1. Ensign magazine
8. primary kids singing "Scripture Power" & "I Am a Child of God"
7. Eliott Yamin 's (singing voice)
5. Josh Groban
4. Daylan saying: "Mommy By You", "Hold You Mommy", "Need You Mommy"
1. my mom saying: "So when do you want the kids to have Grandma Day?"
8. HAVE to make me laugh;-}
7. Tell me I'm cute even when I'm not
6. Love my kind of music & will dance dorky to it with me
5. They know when to call or email
4. Know my code names for things, people and places
3. They trust me/I trust them
2. Understand my humor
1. Bonus: Sing duets with me:)
8. It's good to be back home!
7. It's good to go on dates again!
6. It's awesome to have Aunt Sara babysit the kids!
5. My kids hardly get sick when we live in Gilbert.
3. The more downtime I spend with the kids, the happier we all are!
2. You don't have to fill your life to have a full life.
1. No matter what happens...we'll still be okay!!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
*Day cleaning the tub
Monday, November 12, 2007
*Thank You Veterans!
Friday, November 9, 2007
*Spencer's Prayer
This is my sweet Spencer who fell asleep in the middle of his prayer before bed! You can see he was folding his arms & must have been too overcome with sleepiness. Awww..Innocence! He is such a good boy and I know I often expect so much out of him. Spencer is an old soul, yet so young at heart. He will make friends with anybody. Yesterday I volunteered in his school class again, and the kids just kept telling me: "Spencer is SO smart"; "Spencer's the nicest kid in the class"; "Spencer is the best reader." The big kid who I think would be the tough bully even said to me "Spence is a pretty cool kid." Spence is one of the only kids in his class & the only boy to get a GReEN STaR (for behavior & attitude) every day since school started! He's a great example to me & everyone else around him! I love my SPeNceR BoY! I feel honored to be his Mom!
*Happy 7th Birthday cousin Macey!
Monday, November 5, 2007
*Take time to smell the "roses!"
*When you looked at this picture what did you see FIRST? honest.; the flowers or the fast paced city life. I think we can all agree that we live in a busy, always moving, changing world! Sometimes I know I am so focused on what I have to or just want to do, that I forget to stop and look right in front of me at the "roses."