Monday, July 14, 2008

*Stroke Scare

So here's the quick version of the story. I was laying in bed July 3rd and trying to fall asleep. It became midnight now July 4th...not even close to sleep. Then I must have dozed off for a bit only to wake up suddenly around 1 am to my left arm being completely numb, the right side of my head numb and tingly and my tongue numb as well. It was somewhat painful but different than the Bells Palsy feeling I had had 10 years prior.

(Many of you know that in college I was diagnosed with Bells Palsy when again suddenly the right side of my face went paralyzed for a couple weeks. With much rehabilitation and steroids I was able to regain use of the muscles and now although better, still have the virus my whole life.)

~Anyways I start searching the internet only to of course scare myself silly. Everything I read said stroke along with other freaky stuff. I began having a full on panic attack body's shaking uncontrollably, heart racing and I was short of breath. I asked Tim to give me a blessing about 1:45 and then drove myself to the E.R while he stayed home with the kids. I got right into triage and was shortly given my own room.

~They gave me a steroid shot in the buttockamous which was alot of fun (still sore might I add) and then did a CT scan. Everything came up normal so I was NOT having a stroke. They gave me prednisone, another anti-inflammatory pill and that totally helped me as well. So by 5:30 am I was sent home diagnosed with a Bells Palsy flare up and a need to see a neurologist regarding my left arm numbness. That's the jest of it. Still don't know why my head was numb and not my face but I guess that happens..I'm told.

All's well now...but I HAVE to get more sleep and not be so stressed so that I can keep this stupid thing under control since these 2 things are causes of B.P.

**Now we're just busy packing & trying to find a place to move! AAAAHHHHH!**


Cheffie-Mom said...

Hi, This is Debbie. I stumbled across your blog and love making new blogging buddies! I'm glad everything is ok! You have a beautiful blog. Stop by my blog anytime. (:

Anonymous said...

Oh Audy, that is so scary, glad it all turned out to be ok. I hope you can find a house and get all settled and able to take it easy for a little while. I remember your BP at college, I still feel bad about the first time you came up to us in Gila Hanks and told us about it, I thought you were trying to make us laugh and were being silly, then when I realized how serious you were, I was so worried about you. You were so positive about it all, I remeber you saying look I can do the Elvis lip really good and would laugh an d make us laugh. Ok well good luck house hunting, love ya!

The Ashlocks said...

That is very scary. Glad it wasn't a stroke. I hope you are feeling better.

A day in the life of the Campbell's said...

I'm glad you are ok..don't stress, not much you can do about it anyways..whatever "IT" is. Take care!

Tiffany said...

It seems like you have been through so much lately. I am so glad that you are ok! What a relief! I wish I were there to help you pack and I hope you find a place soon!

Frolicking Night Owl said...

so scarey! didn't know that you're moving ... where to?

Heather Jeppsen said...

I was wondering and meant to ask so thanks for posting this. I'm glad it wasn't a stroke, but I'm sorry you have B.P. I had no idea that you've had that that long. Hope things are going better for you.

Anonymous said...

Audra! Send your kids to my house! I can watch them so you can pack in peace. Also...just move next door to me! That would alleviate so much stress for you! Yeah right! I'm sure you'd be having B.P. flare ups right and left in that case! Really though, stop freaking us all out and let us help!!!!!!

♥ Natalie said...

How scary!!! I wasn't aware that lack of sleep could cause BP. It is amazing how much our bodies need the sleep that a lot of times we deprive it of because of work, blogging, or being out too late. Thank you for sharing this - I need to start getting more sleep, too. Can I help you in any way with your move? Do you need any more boxes? I only have a handfull left, but you are more than welcome to them!!! Let me know. ~Natalie