Wednesday, December 10, 2008

*An accomplishment!

*I hate to boast but I must I must! I cooked dinner twice in a row! So what you say -I do that every night! But you must know that last night was I think only the 5th dinner I've cooked for my poor family all month! I've suffered from "evening sickness" right along with morning sickness but this was much harder. Any time I'd smell "dinner smells" as I cooked, I'd get nauseous and have to lay down. So we had many fast food dinners & frozen pizzas these last 4 weeks. Even if I felt okay all through the day, still at night I'd just gag opening my pantry or fridge...just looking at food. If someone else cooked it for me I could eat it (mostly) but I could not stand there and make it.

*I only threw up throughout one of the weeks so I can't really complain. My body is getting back into the swing of things now. Usually I weigh more at this stage of pregnancy (15 weeks) but since I've been so sick I still only weigh what I did in college. The doctor said baby is measuring right on schedule though so all is well!

*I remember in all my pregnancies being all done with nausea by 16 weeks so I think things will only get better from here. Tonight I might even make dinner -3 nights in a row!!


Callie said...

I feel for you! I had evening sickness with Hayden, and I wasn't much use to my family at dinner time either. The kids didn't care, they were happy eating microwaveable meals! :)

Frolicking Night Owl said...

That's so hard to feel sick at the end of the day when you're already tired! Take care of yourself ... wish I could bring your family dinner!!

Jamie said...

I feel for you! I've had evening sickness, too. It's going to be great when you're feeling better. I hope that's really soon for you. In the mean time, I don't think your family will suffer too much! Thank goodness for fast food.

Anonymous said...

You are one lucky girl to be midway through a preg and say I weight what I weighed in college, no fun being sick, but I would die to be the size I was in college, not that I was small, but a lot better than I am now. Hope you get to make dinner and actually enjoy it without being sicky!

Anonymous said...

That stinks! I'm one of the lucky ones that doesn't get any sort of "sickness" during pregnancy. I'm glad you're on the upswing. So what's for dinner tomorrow...rack of lamb with mint jelly? Did that make you sick just thinking of it? It made me sick!

Heather Jeppsen said...

That's funny! When I was pregnant with my first, I had to hold my nose plugged everywhere we went. For example Walmart and they had a fast food place there. The smell would make me gag everytime and let's not even talk about raw chicken. I couldn't cook anything either. I would have to get Jeff to handle the raw meat! Oh the fun times. Here's to almost being done with that. Mine lasted about 4 months with him. Fun things we go through.

Laura said...

Yeah for being able to make dinner! I have felt exactly the same way. I don't know what we've been eating for dinner the past several weeks, but I think I'm finally done with the worst of the sick-stage and ready to make some meals again. =) Although I really can't complain either since I've only actually thrown-up once. (Which I have been very grateful for!)