Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My 2 Babies...

I wonder how many diapers I change a day....
I wonder how many hours of the day (and night) there is someone crying...
I wonder how many dirty dishes there are in my sink at any given time...
I wonder how many real meals I have made in the last few months...
I wonder how many days can we go with wearing the same clothes...
I wonder how many staples I still have under my skin that haven't dissolved yet...

I wonder how many times I will ever have 2 in diapers again. 
I probably won't. So I realize I will relish the moment.

2 diapered babies boys just happy to be alive
& happy to be brothers.

As hectic as life can be right now,
I am trying to take deep breaths & ENJOY these moments.

I am trying to realize that I am not in a "Who's House is Cleanest" Contest.
I am trying to Embrace the Chaos & not freak out.
I am trying to not take things so seriously.
I am trying to not take things so personally.
I am trying to be a good Mom, Wife, Daughter, Sister and Person
I am trying....and that's all that matters.


Brynn said...

Amen! And love this song - I sing it in my head quite often. Makes me remember to slow down.

Ezra, Kian & Eden said...

You're doing an excellent job lady!
Such a cute post. Love those little diapered rumps poking into the air. :) Of course it's easier for me to think that they are cute when I'm not the one having to change them...in the middle of the night. :)

{she + him} said...

Amen to that! I can't even begin to comprehend how you do it all!! But you're amazing...

Frolicking Night Owl said...

Honey ... I think you're doing much better than "trying"! You're wonderful!!

Stephanie said...

you need a "like" button!

kwistin said...

my friend wrote a post a couple months back (actually it was cryptically about a conversation he had with me) and in it, he wrote,

master yoda once taught me, "do or do not. there is no try." i used to think he meant, "don't say you'll 'try.' either you decide to do it or you decide not to." as i heard in church last sunday, whether you say you can or you can't, you're right. but maybe it's that trying leads to doing. that, sometimes, trying is doing.

you can find the original post here. you're right: are trying...and that's what matters! keep it up, dear cousin; you're doing a wonderful job. :]

Aleia said...

I need to embrace that attitude! Keep smiling:)

AudyCamp said...

mom me again and just saying DO I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL TObMARROW?