Friday, June 29, 2007

*High School Reunion

*My 10 year High School Reunion is coming up this October & the class has created this website for everyone's bios. Only 1/4 of the graduates have registered (which is still over 100 or so), but it's still fun to look at those on there & see how they have or haven't changed.:0


Anonymous said...

Ok, our 10 year is in October too...when and where is yours? I think ours is the 2nd Saturday and it's a family picnic at pioneer park and then just sposes dinner at Monti's. I've got 20lbs to lose before then...wish me luck!

AudyCamp said...

Oh gosh-you look great. Stop it! Tell Cara that Craig's bald picture isn't on that site anymore. Haha. He put a pic of his kiddos on instead.