Thursday, January 19, 2012

More Family Trip Fun...

Another fun thing we did was go to a fun place there in Provo/Orem area where the kids could play some carnival type games. Spencer spied this climbing arena & insisted he do it! They got all harnessed up & climbed to their little hearts content. Spence has been a climber since birth & was in heaven.
 Spence had a blast although admitting it was a little scary... Even Aunt Lacey did it to prove her agility & toughness! ;)

While in Salt Lake Tim's brother Brian turned 40! His cute family arranged for everyone in the restaurant to sing to him & then they opened up the roof as he let go of his Birthday wish balloon! I love how he is holding Claire in this picture. {I love to think that if it were Tim doing this, he would have a child in his arms too. They get that from their Dad..making the ch ildren the focus even when the spotlight is on them.~such a Christlike attribute.}
Whatcha think....brothers?
"Hang Loose Dude..."
About time to head home...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your posts Audy, you have such an amazing, talented family!!!!!!!!!! You are one good mama!