And here I am now today...I'm sure on my first of
many birthdays that I'll be turning 29! :)

*Humor me and tell any memory you have of me, (funny, memorable, anything) or of you & I together.*
Pssst...... (thanks to all of you who have given me a birthday shout out through emails, cards, blog posts & texts. I surely feel loved today:)
Wow... now YOU are an old fart!
How time goes by.
let's see.. I remember in Costa Rica, the big wave that knocked you down and your swimsuit bottoms all crazy, I remember taking a trip to the LA mart and what a champ you were for sleeping on the floor and letting pregnant me have a bed. I remember being with you in the sacred grove and your beautiful testimony and how you are so thankful for the priesthood. I remember your car that you and Tim had when you first got married and how we went out on my 1st date with Brian all together and going back to the McCleves in the middle so you coud nurse Spencer and how awkward it was to meet the whole family on our 1st date! I remember going on a cruise with you to the Panama canal and how we both bought tuxedo's for our boys. I remember so much about you and I Love you for all that you are!! Happy Birthday! I got a little something for you , I'll bring it this weekend for Spencers baptism.
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good one...All my memories of you are from EAC days. Sigh... Good Ol EA.
Maybe I shouldn't share this one...LOL! The very first thing that popped up in my mind was I was always on the look out for "the tan truck". I know you know what I mean Ha ha ha!
Every other memory involves you in your pink ladies jacket or being with Aubrey. You two were hilarious together!
You are such an amazing person with so much compassion! I don't know any one who remembers others birthdays like you do - you are such a thoughtful person. You are awesome Audra and I am so glad to have you for my sister in law! Happy 29th! One more year and it will be the big "30"!
HI! I always think of you on this special day cause it's a special day for me too. I hope you get to do something fun!! I remember you coming back into the bridal dressing room on my wedding day to say HI to me before I got married.
One more year to be in the 20's! LUCKY YOU!
I have to say what an amazing person you are. I have never met anyone so thoughtful. You are that person that serves others quietly. You are such a good mom and you have always loved babies! We are so blessed to have you in our family. I hope you had a great Birthday! Wish I were there to share it with you!
Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a fun day planned. I remember for one of my birthdays in like 4th or 5th grade, you gave me Strawberry Shampoo and I thought it was the greatest thing ever!!
I remember when Clint Culberson asked you to a dance by teepeeing your house when I gave you a ride home from band pratice. We were screaming in your house and your parents got mad. :) I also remember when we were boy crazy sophmore girls chasing after all the upper classmen!
Oh AUdy Happy late b-day! I love you girl, I I can say is baby binkis, "How do you feel about Baaashaas," How you feel about Waaahhhmaarrt" Dancing together in proxy for Jeremy and Tim, Mercys Arms, singing with our facial masks into tampon microphones, fire watching on Mt. Graham, balloon baby bellies, birth to the Rosie doll, sharing dreams of the future, visits to your funny grandmas, sharing dreams of our future hubbies and our future children. I miss you Audra, I am so glad you were born 29 years ago, I just wish we lived closer and could make a lot more fun memories!
Happy Happy Birthday Audy
Dear...Dang that's so fun .... your first 29th birthday!! You are so great at celebrating birthdays and holidays... One of my first memories was you celebrating my 15th birthday with balloons, a poem, and grape soda! And you didn't even know me!! Could I go on and on and on ....
Fights and laughs, you trying to help me through all my neverending family dramas...GIRLS CAMP!!! BEING NAUGHTY AT CHURCH IN SUNDAY SCHOOL!! Boys...Lots of Boys...So important...Now a Blur... Lots of Notes in School ...
Goodbyes...Visits...Moves...More like a sister than a friend...CRAZY...Happy Happy Birthday...
Audra, you know my top memory of you...involves a janitor, breaking into EA, screaming, and a smell. I'll stop there.
YEAH! Happy Birthday! I love that fact that your mom thought you were a navajo baby. That is so funny! I always think of the crazy late nights that we all had at girls camp. I just remember laughing until my side hurt and then we would start all over again the next night. Good fun:) You better stay in the ward. I would be so sad if you left. It's not the same without the Campbell family!
I absolutely love you, Audra!!! Even though we have never actually hung out or anything, you just have such a sweet spirit about you that is hard NOT to love!!! I remember the first time that I was at band camp one summer in high school - you were sitting on the side with your broken leg (I think that's what it was!) and I felt so bad for you but I was also so intimidated by you because you were older and cooler and prettier and funner.... the list goes on. I have always looked up to you. Thanks for being a great sister to Stephanie and Tommy - I can tell how much love you have for them and for all of your family members. So, in a way, because of your siblings, I feel like I kinda know more about you than the average person would. (Does that sound weird to you, too?! haha!!)I think you are amazing with such a strong testimony and a positive nature. Can I be like you, if only for one day?! I hope that your birthday was a good one. What did you do?!
HAPPPPPY BIRTHDAYYYY AUDY! well this is really embarrassing and i can't believe i am saying this but the first thing that comes to mind is when you and timmy were first married, i spent the night with you guys and refused to sleep anywhere but in the middle of you guys!! hahahah oh my gosh that was painful writing that i know you are laughing out loud right now cause it is so embarrassing for me! and of course you let me (even though you had only been married for about 2 weeks) also, i remember the coupon book you gave me for my birthday i will never forget that i love youuuuu have a good one
Happy Birthday Audra - just left a message on Steph's! I remember the first time you and Brandon spent the day together - he was about 3 months old. I don't remember, but you may have been a baby that cried often - at one point of the visit, I had to say, "Kathy, the baby is crying". She just didn't even hear you. She was reading. Or maybe I was just new to the whole baby thing. (smile) You, Brandon and all the cousins have spent many, many more days since then - I remember you laughing, singing, dancing and reciting "Bounce Back" and most of all fixing your hair, also getting you ready for school. Class act!! Love ya sis - Aunt Sandy
Happy Birthday! I had my last bithday or first 29th birthday almost a year ago. AHHH! When I turned 29, I said I was now 29 forever! Hope you had a great day.
Happy belated birthday! I'll always remeber how in highschool you always had these crazy nicknames for the boys and not just the ones you liked! You know like bandaide and fragglerock... Anyway you are always so much fun thanks for being you!
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