Sunday, April 11, 2010

"Sunday Will Come"...

~I loved this Video entitled "Sunday will Come" with Elder Wirthlin, (who has since passed) speaking about death & the dark days (Fridays) we will all have...{sometimes there seem to be MANY of those days!} How wonderful it is to know that our "Sunday" will come when we are free of trial & pain...Because of Him.

*This one is great too: as modern day Apostles testify of Jesus Christ.

~Why don't we as Latter Day Saints use the traditional Christian Cross or crucifix as a symbol of our faith? ...Because we focus on Jesus Christ's Resurrection and not His Death. Although His death was an important part of the Plan, it was His Atonement that took place in the Garden of Gethsemane-where He sacrificed for our sins and gave us the ability to repent & be cleansed of them. He did overcome death...a terrible death, but was resurrected and in doing so allows us that same gift. Because of Jesus Christ EVERYONE will one day have perfectly resurrected bodies & live forever.

**My favorite Video (below) regarding the last week of our Savior's life.**

Did I mention I get to go there soon? Israel & see where Our Savior lived, was baptized, died, bore all all sins in the Garden of Gethsemane & where he rose that 3rd day.

Now won't that be a post?
~Happy Sunday....

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